Rubberband Reforming

fame is coming closer
like a new dawn rising…
a phoenix rising from the ashes of a few discarded cigars

Rubber Band, our early 80’s band is reforming,
our one true song: the B-52s’ Planet Claire…
it goes without saying that if we had written and recorded it
we would have been better than them

fame was within our reach
on paper we had more talent than
Larry’s kitchen gathering Hype (U2),
but the songs had already been written
and we were not hungry enough
Timaru was not Dublin (or Atlanta)
(though we did go to school with The Exponents’ Brian Jones)

we went our separate ways
all that promise unfulfilled

but wait – there’s more
watch this space
crack open the Steinies  This song was made for Tony’s voice and it is as if he is singing it

Nelson Mandela

The final release has come for Nelson Mandela today…
Without a doubt he has been the highest profile world personality in my lifetime – a humble giant of a man who learned the ways of radical grace and non-violent peace-making despite being held captive by a racist and violent regime that believed it had some sort of biblical mandate for its actions.
I imagine he hoped for more than has so far been achieved in South Africa, but look at how much has been achieved!  In some ways the test of his leadership will be now when those who have revered him walk on into a new day without his presence.
Achieving greatness is not what can be said about many human beings – most people in power readily trip over themselves when overly adored by the crowd.  But Nelson Mandela was truly great – not in a shouting from the rooftops style (not great at all!), but in humble sacrificial service, wise and careful words, patience, kindness, gentleness…
The long walk to freedom has been completed.